Libri di Cucito Creativo
Libri di Cucito Creativo
Libri di Cucito Creativo
Sew Maddie, The adorable rag doll who loves fun and fashion! by Debbie Shore
Libri di Cucito Creativo
Luna Lapin and Friends, a Year of Making, Sewing patterns and stories for heirloom...
Libri di Patchwork
The BirdHouse, Fairyland Book - Libro di Natalie Bird
Libri di Cucito Creativo
Sewing for the Absolute Beginner by Caroline Smith
Libri di Cucito Creativo
Handmade Animal Dolls 20 Simple Sewing Patterns for Stylish Toys by Melissa Lowry
Libri di Cucito Creativo
Sewing Animal Dolls Heirloom patterns to make for Daisy and her friends by Tina O'Rourke
Libri di Cucito Creativo
Half Yard Summer Collection - Debbie Shore
Libri di Cucito Creativo
Sew Baby, 20 cute and colourful projects for the home, the nursery and on the go by...
Libri di Cucito Creativo
Sew Outdoor Living, Brighten up your garden with 22 colourful projects by Debbie Shore
Libri di Cucito Creativo
Making Luna Lapin - Sew and dress Luna, a quiet and kind rabbit with impeccable taste...
Libri di Cucito Creativo
Luna Lapin Making New Friends - Sewing patterns from Luna's little world by Sarah Peel
Libri di Cucito Creativo
Gift Wrap Green, Techniques for beautiful, recyclable gift wrapping by Camille Wilkinson
Libri di Cucito Creativo
Zero Waste: Gift Wrap, 30 ideas for furoshiki and other sustainable solutions by...
Libri di Cucito Creativo
Melly & Me: Supercute Sewing, 20 easy sewing patterns for soft toys and accessories by...
Libri di Cucito Creativo
Yoko Saito's Patchwork Bags and Accessories, 25 Fresh Quilted Designs by Yoko Saito
Libri di Ricamo
Flowering Folk Art by Dawn Heese
Libri di Ricamo